November 22, 2012

Additional Information

Operation Jersey Strong, a nonprofit formed in the aftermath of the storm to assist displaced residents, is hosting a Thanksgiving lunch for up to 150 people who lost homes in super storm Sandy. The luncheon will be held from 11:30 – 1:30 pm at The Woodlake Country Club, 25 New Hampshire Ave, Lakewood. Guests will enjoy a gourmet traditional Thanksgiving meal, along with entertainment and lots of fun activities for the children. Those wishing to attend should register by calling 732-228-8282.

According to founder Rachel Cluna, “It’s heartbreaking to think that these people lost everything, but we want to remind them that we care, and share a sense of family, security and most of all, thankfulness.” For more information about Operation Jersey Strong and to register for the luncheon call 732-228-8282.