Explanation for Sandy Delays [AUDIO]
A Congressional delegation from New Jersey is asking for a meeting with members of the president's cabinet to address the delays in Sandy recovery.
The delegation features representatives Jon Runyan (R-03), Leonard Lance (R-07), Frank Lobiondo (R-02), Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11), and led by Chris Smith (R-04). They are asking for US Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and Acting Chair on the Council on Environmental Quality Michael Boots to meet with them to explain the delays and address what can be done to help 4,000 homeowners who have still not returned home.
Smith said he received an overwhelming response from his constituents who were told they were wait-listed for federal assistance relief or told they could not make necessary repairs to their home in order to qualify for the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Elevation, and Mitigation Program.
"They want to fix their homes, they want to get them back them back to where they were before the storm, but they are told 'wait' or else you risk losing out on a check from the federal government to assist you," said Smith.
He hopes in addition to learning about what is causing the delays, they can take steps towards allowing reimbursements for homeowners who do repairs and extend the current deadlines for assistance to April 2015.
They also want to make sure the third round of CDBG money is directed towards homeowners still unable to return.
NJ Congressman Want HUD Secretary To Explain Sandy Aid Delays
A Congressional delegation from New Jersey is asking for a meeting with members of the president's cabinet to address the delays in Sandy recovery.
The delegation features representatives Jon Runyan (R-03), Leonard Lance (R-07), Frank Lobiondo (R-02), Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11), and led by Chris Smith (R-04). They are asking for US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan and Acting Chair on the Council on Environmental Quality Michael Boots to meet with them to explain the delays and address what can be done to help 4,000 homeowners who have still not returned home.
Smith said he received an overwhelming response from his constituents who were told they were waitlisted for federal assistance relief or told they could not make necessary repairs to their home in order to qualify for the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Elevation, and Mitigation (RREM) Program.
"They want to fix their homes, they want to get them back them back to where they were before the storm, but they are told 'wait' or else you risk losing out on a check from the federal government to assist you," said Smith.
He hopes in addition to learning about what is causing the delays, they can take steps towards allowing reimbursements for homeowners who do repairs and extend the current deadlines for assistance to April 2015.
They also want to make sure the third round of CDBG money is directed towards homeowners still unable to return.