A Shore area towing company and attorney have offered their services at no charge for those who feel they have been victimized by APK Auto Repair in Seaside Heights.

APK Auto Repair's lot in Toms River
APK Auto Repair's lot in Toms River (Phil Stelton, Toms River Magazine)

Toms Rived-based APK, the authorized tow company for Seaside Heights, has come under public and legal fire after towing cars from the streets per order of the Borough to clear the way for equipment being brought in for the post-Hurricane Sandy clean up. The company, however, was accused by many of price gouging for charging some up to $1000 to retrieve their vehicles.

There are also allegations APK went onto private property and removed vehicles as well.

Neal K. Prasad, owner of Statewide Roadside Assistance is offering "my services for free to everyone who has been victimized by any tow company during this tragic storm." In an email., writes that he is "disgusted" at the allegations about APK. "his gives the industry a bad name and portrays a stigma that towers are dishonest."

Prasad is saddened by the hurricane's effects on the area he has lived all his life. "The hurricane has washed away childhood memories that I will not be able to share with my kids."

Statewide Roadside Assistance's lot in Toms River
Statewide Roadside Assistance's lot in Toms River (SRA)

Attorney Jef Henninger of Shrewsbury is posted on his firm's Facebook page an offer of  "pro bono representation to anyone who has been the victim of APK in Toms River (related to the storm)."

A resident of Toms River,  Henninger sees his offer as a small way to help his community recover from Sandy by giving them one less thing to worry about.

While pointing out that no charges have filed against APK, Henninger says their actions are rubbing salt in the wound of families who have suffered great losses from Sandy.

Police investigators were seen at APK's Route 37 office on Thursday night as crime scene tape surrounded the lot but no charges have been filed.

Statewide Roadside Assistance can be reached at 732-286-6127. Jef Henninger's phone number is 732-773-2768.

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